【預(yù)告】京師價值與文化論壇——“和而不同”的文明交流之道:韓震與Bertrand BADIE對話
【預(yù)告】京師價值與文化論壇——“和而不同”的文明交流之道:韓震與Bertrand BADIE對話
Bridging Civilization: Celebrating Diversity in Harmony—— Dialogue between Prof. Bertrand BADIE and Prof. HAN Zhen
時間:2024年9月12日(周四) 14:00-16:00
Time: September 12th, 2024(Thursday) 14:00-16:00
Venue: Yingdong Academic Hall, Beijing Normal University
Organizer: School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University
Office of International Exchanges and Cooperation, Beijing Normal University
嘉賓:Bertrand BADIE,韓震
Guests: Bertrand BADIE, HAN Zhen
Theme: Bridging Civilization: Celebrating Diversity in Harmony
Language: Chinese-French Simultaneous Interpretation
Bertrand BADIE,法國知名政治學(xué)家、社會學(xué)家,巴黎政治大學(xué)榮休教授,國際關(guān)系“法國學(xué)派”代表人物,原巴政文集出版社主任、扶輪國際和平與沖突解決中心主任、國際政治學(xué)協(xié)會副主席。
Bertrand BADIE, renowned French political scientist and sociologist, Professor Emeritus at Sciences Po Paris, representative of the “French school” of international relations, was director of the Presses de Sciences Po Collections and of the Centre Rotary d'étudesinternationales sur la paix et la résolution des conflits, and vice-president of the International Political Science Association.
HAN Zhen, professor and PhD supervisor, currently serves as the Chairman of the Academic Committee of Beijing Normal University. He was Vice President of Beijing Normal University, the President and the Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Foreign Studies University. He is the chief expert for compiling The History of Western Philosophy and Selected Works of Marx, Engels and Lenin (Outline).